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Notice of intended marriage (NOIM)


The first step after choosing your celebrant, is the completion of the NOIM. This is a legal requirement and is to be submitted to your chosen Celebrant within 18 months and no later than one month before your ceremony. 


There are a few other legalities to cover before you can marry: 

  • You must be over the age of 18 years, unless you have a Court order 

  • I will need to see your birth certificate or passports as evidence of your place of birth 

  • I will also need to see your drivers licence, so I know you are who you say you are

  • You cannot be related to each other 

  • If you have been married before, I will need to see evidence as to how the marriage ended; either Divorce Order or Death Certificate 

  • At your wedding ceremony you will need to have 2 witnesses over the age of 18 years to witness your marriage and sign some paperwork 


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